Premium Learning Systems

2024 On-Page SEO Ranking Factors: What You Need to Know

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect of digital marketing that helps businesses increase their visibility online. One of the key components of SEO is on-page optimization, which involves optimizing various elements on a webpage to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). On-page ranking factors play a vital role in determining the relevance and quality of a webpage for a specific search query. By optimizing on-page factors, businesses can increase their chances of ranking higher in SERPs and attracting more organic traffic. In this blog, we will discuss the essential on-page ranking factors that can impact your website’s SEO performance and provide tips for optimizing them to improve your website’s visibility online.


What are On-Page Ranking Factors for SEO?


If optimised appropriately, on-page ranking criteria can have a significant impact on how well your page ranks. The following are the main on-page elements that influence search engine rankings:


Content of Page


A page’s merit as a search result is determined by its content. It is crucial to the search engines because it is what the user intended to see. As a result, providing quality material is important. So what makes for good content? All quality content has two characteristics from an SEO perspective. A demand must be filled by good material, and it must be linkable.


Good content supplies a demand:


Supply and demand have an impact on information just like they do on global markets. The content that best meets the greatest demand is the best content. It might appear as a Web 2.0 definition article on Wikipedia or as an XKCD comic that serves as a source of nerd humour for a sizable group of technologists. It can be a movie, an image, a sound, or even text, but good content must satisfy a need in order to be deemed valuable.


Good content is linkable:


The best and poorest material on the Internet are equal from an SEO standpoint if it cannot be linked to. The material won’t drive visitors to the specified website if links to it aren’t allowed because search engines won’t likely rank them. Sadly, this occurs a lot more frequently than one may imagine. AJAX-driven image slide shows, content that can only be accessed after logging in, and content that cannot be copied or shared are a few instances of this. Content that doesn’t fill a need or can’t be linked to is undesirable in the perspective of search engines—and perhaps some users as well.


Title Tag


Following content, title tags are the second-most crucial on-page SEO component. More details on title tags are available here.




Along with smart internal linking, SEOs should make sure that the category hierarchy of the given website is reflected in URLs.


A good example of URL structure is as follows:



This URL makes the information about the page’s hierarchy very clear (history as it pertains to video games in the context of games in general). The search engines utilise this data to assess the relevance of a particular web page. The engines can infer from the hierarchy that the page probably doesn’t deal with history in general but rather the history of video games. This makes it a prime contender for search results pertaining to the history of video games. Without even having to read the page’s content, it is possible to speculate on all of this information.


A Bad example of URL structure is as follows:



This URL, in contrast to the preceding example, does not accurately represent the website’s information architecture. Although the given page is on the IMDB domain and has the /title/ tag, search engines cannot tell what the page is about. Nothing that a web browser is likely to directly deduce from the reference to “tt0468569” is implied. This indicates that search engines give relatively little weight to the information provided by the URL.


Because it offers a valuable relevancy metric to the provided page and aids search engines in understanding relative importance, URL structure is crucial. The inclusion of the keywords in the URL increases the likelihood that people would link with the appropriate term or phrase, which is beneficial from the perspective of anchor text.


SEO Best Practice


Websites’ content pages are their core, and they virtually always draw visitors. Ideal content pages should be hyper-relevant and very specific to a particular topic, which is typically a product or an item.


In each of the following places, the specified web page’s goal should be explicitly stated:


  • Title tag
  • URL
  • Content of page
  • Image alt text


Here is an illustration of an organised, search engine-friendly website.Its on-page ranking factors are all optimised.


The content page in this illustration is regarded favourably for a number of reasons. First off, the content is original on the web, covering a certain topic in great detail, making it desirable for search engines to rank well. There is a strong probability that this website would provide the information a user was looking for regarding Digital Marketing Career Opportunities in India in the Next 5 Years.

The web page that follows is not well optimised. Take note of how it differs from the first illustration.


This figure shows a less search engine–friendly example of a content page targeting the many term at the same time . as you can in the image the page/ website is also not user friendly 


An Ideally Optimized Web Page


A perfect website should do each of the following:


  • Be extremely pertinent to a particular subject (usually a product or single object)

1.Add the subject to the title tag.

2.Include a subject in the URL and the image alt text.

3.Provide original content regarding a specific subject, mentioning the subject numerous times throughout the text

  • reference the category page for it
  • Link to the page of its subcategory (If applicable)
  • link to the website’s home page (normally accomplished with an image link showing the website logo on the top left of a pag


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