Premium Learning Systems

title tag

Title Tag : What They Are and How They Affect Website’s SEO

What is a Title Tag?

The title of a web page is specified by a title tag, an HTML element. A search engine results page’s search snippet includes the title tag of a page (SERP). It is significant for user experience, SEO, and social sharing because it displays as the clickable headline for the search result. An accurate and succinct summary of the content of a page should be included in the title tag of a web page.

You want to create the best title tags possible for your website. Enter your title tag text into the field below to use title tag preview tool to see how it will probably appear in Google’s search results:

Title tag

Title Tag Examples

HTML code example
<head><title>Example Title</title></head>

The <head> part of your page’s HTML markup contains the title tag for your page.

Using the title tag field in the page’s metadata settings or directly in the code, most CMSs let you update this markup and change your title tag.

Format example

Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Brand Name
Digital Marketing Course – Placement Assurity |Premium Learning System

Optimal title tag length

The majority of desktop and mobile browsers may display the first 50–60 characters of a title tag, even though Google does not define a suggested length for title tags. Our study indicates that if you keep your titles around 60 characters, you can anticipate that roughly 90% of your titles will display correctly in the SERPs. (Because characters’ pixel widths might vary, there is no set maximum for characters. Typically, Google SERPs can display up to 600 pixels.) Writing short titles is vital for human readability and comprehension, but even if the entire title tag is not shown in the SERPs, Google’s spiders will still consider it when they scan the page (within reason).

Why are title tags important?

Many people’s initial impressions of your website when they find it through organic search are formed by title tags, which are important variables in helping search engines comprehend what your page is about. Web browsers, social networks, and search engine results pages (SERPs) are the three main sites where title tags are employed.

1. Title tags in SERPs

Title tag

2. Title tags in web browsers
The title tag serves as a placeholder when someone views your website and is also displayed at the top of their web browser window, especially if they have numerous open tabs. To guarantee that readers don’t lose sight of your content, create titles that are distinctive and instantly identifiable and place crucial terms near the start.

Title tag

3. Title tags on social networks
When the page is shared, some external websites, particularly social networks, will utilise the title tag to decide what to display. Here’s an illustration using a screenshot from Facebook:

Title tag

Remember that some social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow you to specify titles that are different from the HTML title tag that is marked up in the code of your page. This will enable you to tailor your content for each network and offer longer titles when/where appropriate.

How do I write a good title tag?


An effective title tag is crucial for search engine optimization and can raise your website’s exposure and click-through rate. Here are some guidelines for creating a strong title tag:

Be specific and descriptive: Be precise and informative when writing the title tag so that both users and search engines can easily grasp what the page is about.

Use relevant keywords: Don’t load your title tag with irrelevant keywords. Try to include the keywords in a way that makes sense while using natural language.

Keep it concise: The title tag should be no more than 60-70 characters in length, including spaces. This ensures that the full title is visible in search results.

Be compelling: The title tag should be engaging and encourage users to click through to your website. Use action words, numbers, or other attention-grabbing elements to make your title stand out.

Be unique: Each page on your website should have a unique title tag that accurately reflects the content of that page.

Example of a good title tag for a website selling handmade soap:
“Digital Marketing Course | 100 % Placement Assistance| Premium Learning.”

In this title tag, we have included relevant keywords (Digital Marketing Course,100 %Placement Assistance ), highlighted a unique selling point (organic ingredients), and included the brand name at the end. We have also kept the title concise and used action words to make it compelling.

Why won’t Google use my title tag?


Google may rarely display a title that differs from the one you’ve marked up in your HTML. There is no simple way to make the search engine utilise the title you’ve specified, which can be frustrating. There are four potential causes when this occurs:

1.Your title tag is keyword-stuffed: If your title tag contains too many keywords, or looks like spam, Google may choose to use a different title. Make sure that your title tag uses natural language and incorporates relevant keywords in a meaningful way.

2.Your title tag is too long: If your title tag is longer than 60-70 characters, Google may truncate it in search results, or choose to use a different title altogether. Make sure that your title tag is concise and to-the-point.

3. Your title tag is not relevant: If Google decides that your title tag does not adequately reflect the content of the page, it may choose to use a different title. Make sure your title tag is precise and pertinent to the page’s content.

4. Google has decided for an alternative heading: Depending on other elements like the content of the page, the search query, or the user’s search history, Google may occasionally decide to use a different title for your website.


To enhance your knowledge on Title Tag and How To Optimized it then , consider attending our Digital Marketing and Growth Hacking session. Register for the webinar now by clicking on the link below.

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