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Digital marketing

Types of Digital Marketing

Are you still not sure how Digital marketing works & what it is? In this blog you can read about the various facets of the filed and its application. Digital marketing is a vast field. And it includes many different concepts What digital marketing mediums are used for which purpose? What are the benefits and drawbacks of the various forms of digital marketing? What exactly do SEO and PPC mean? Where do you even begin with learning digital marketing? This blog will answer all your queries about digital marketing. Here we will discuss types of digital marketing. These digital marketing concepts might be confusing but you will get a clear idea when you understand the difference between them and what purpose they are used for. As digital marketing fresher, you might have some doubts about the standard questions of why you want to employ digital marketing and who you are seeking to target with your marketing efforts. This blog will assist you in choosing the appropriate formats and distribution mediums to meet your goals.

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Types of digital marketing

Content marketing

Instead of merely broadcasting an advertisement, content marketing is the type of digital marketing used to produce and share information like text, images, and multimedia that provides value for your audience. When it comes to business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing, “content” might be social media postings, blog articles, and entertaining videos; when it comes to B2B (business-to-business) marketing, you can also add white papers or reports, webinars, and instructional films.


Instead of spending money to reach a cold audience, you can use it to focus on luring clients to you and your business and this type of digital marketing are free.

Content is very adaptable and can help you establish your brand while educating, entertaining, and motivating your audience. It also powers all other forms of digital marketing, including email, social media, and search engine optimization.


Since everyone is now creating blog articles, videos, and other material, the market is extremely competitive, making it difficult to stand out.

You must consistently create high-quality content that satisfies your consumers’ demands, represents your brand, and help you achieve your company’s goals if you want to be successful.

How you can apply it

Create a straightforward content plan that contains:

The 4-5 main topics you want to concentrate on; the content types you want to employ (video, audio, articles, etc.); and the distribution methods for each piece of content should all be at the intersection of what your ideal customer wants and needs. What your brand wants to express (on your website, on specific social channels, etc.)

If you have a strong writing style, consider starting with a weekly blog post. If you are comfortable in front of the camera, consider doing a weekly video.

Search engine marketing

The goal of search engine marketing is to have your website show up at the top of search results for your brand, your goods and services, and other key features. Consider Google which is the most popular search engine, as well as Bing which is frequently installed on business computers and is great for B2B marketing. It covers paid and unpaid search (pay per click, or PPC), organic or natural search (search engine optimization, or SEO), and desktop as well as mobile devices. These days, you can also use smart home assistants for this type of digital marketing


What search engine optimization tries to do is optimise search results for search engines. This refers to producing content that users are actively seeking as well as ensuring that both the platforms on which it is hosted and the content itself are technically optimised. Anybody can do this type of digital marketing, regardless of the type of business or sector they are in.


It is free of cost!

Customers will be able to see your brand as being more “authentic and genuine” and your goal will be achieved when it appears in the organic search results.


Although you don’t need to pay explicitly for the search results, it does require time and effort to produce outstanding content and optimise your website efficiently.

Due to the abundance of content available today and the constantly evolving Google algorithms, it may be quite difficult to rank well in the organic results with this type of digital marketing.

How to apply it

Get a content strategy in place since SEO begins with the content you provide. Find out what people are searching for by doing some keyword research, and try to keep up with Google’s most recent changes. If you’re just getting started, you can use a plug-in to assist with site optimization (such as Yoast for WordPress) or, if you have a larger budget, you can hire a professional to perform a more thorough job.

PPC(Pay Per Click)

Paid search advertising includes programs like Google Adwords or Bing Ads. Except for the little box that reads “Ad” at the top of the page, it resembles the natural search results exactly. A top position can be purchased through an auction depending on demographics, geography, and keywords; this is particularly helpful for local companies and e-commerce in this type of digital marketing.


If you want to invest in it then PPC can swiftly get you a high ranking.

You only get charged when someone clicks.


Costs might add up, especially if you target popular phrases.

Many consumers are wary of sponsored advertisements and are more inclined to believe in organic search results.

How to apply it

If you have the resources, PPC can be used to enhance and support your efforts to optimise your website for natural search. Once more, you will have to conduct keyword research before experimenting with various targeting and ad content setups to discover what works. As you go, be sure to measure and optimise. PPC may be quite challenging, thus if, at all possible, you should work with an agency.

Display advertising

With the exception of the fact that they are online and you can target particular media, that you know your audience reads views or shares. Display advertising, also known as banners is quite similar to the conventional print ads you would find in magazines.

With programmable advertising (where advertisements are scheduled, evaluated, and optimised automatically using algorithms) and retargeting, it has advanced significantly, like when you look at an ad of a car on display on your car review website and then that ad follows you onto every website you visit for months afterwards.


Customers can be targeted and retargeted quite well with this type of digital marketing.

You can track display advertising quite easily and use them to track conversion in real-time.


Customers that experience “ad blindness” can choose to ignore your advertisement in favour of the information they are trying to access.

You need to find a technique to make the biggest effect possible so that people notice you but not in a way that annoys them.

How to apply it

For display advertising, you must consider the creative by making it memorable, compelling, and clear as well as the placement—pick a perfect setting that suits your message and is appropriate for your target demographic.

If your company is small and you are familiar with your target audience, you can consult with particular publishers directly about placing advertisements on their websites, or you can utilise a third-party service like Google Display Network or Facebook Audience Network.

Mobile marketing

Mobile marketing overlaps with many other types of marketing and is almost as diverse as all the types of digital marketing as a whole. It means performing all of the tasks that you perform on a PC now can be performed on a mobile platform while also performing mobile-specific tasks including in-app advertising, text messaging, and using social messaging applications. If you’re aiming for a younger audience that likes to spend their entire day on their phones then it’s very crucial.


Nowadays, customers spend considerably more time on their phones than on their PCs, so mobile marketing means connecting with them where they are and at any time.

Using specialised audience groups or geo-fencing to reach individuals in a certain area, mobile marketing can be highly beneficial.


On a phone, you have very little chance of being creative, and the few clicks you do get are mostly the result of “fat finger syndrome.” which occurs due to people clicking on the wrong button or link. While the majority of applications are downloaded once and then abandoned.

People don’t like to have their conversations with friends and family disrupted by advertisements and brand messaging.

How to apply it

Making sure that your whole website and all of its content are “mobile friendly” is absolutely essential for ensuring that it functions properly and seems appealing on a variety of devices.

This often refers to keeping things brief and straightforward, using large, clear text and buttons, and adding subtitles to your videos so viewers can understand the content even when the sound is turned off.

That’s a fantastic place to start, and you can eventually move to more targeted mobile advertising, text message campaigns, or applications.

Social media marketing

Social media brings a completely new level of engagement and involvement as compared to conventional media channels like TV, print, and even online display advertising. You can actually engage with your customers and listen to their opinions rather than merely sending messages to a large audience.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat are just a few of the many social networking platforms available. Options range from organic—like Facebook groups, page posts, stories, and Messenger to paid options like Facebook advertisements. You can choose any of these, whichever suits your requirements. Almost all businesses need to have accounts on at least a few of these social networks.


As people enjoy, comment on, and share your content with their friends and contacts, the work you put in can multiply by using this type of digital marketing.

Particularly with Facebook advertisements, you can target specific client categories with your content to ensure that the proper individuals receive your message.


It’s challenging to stay up to date with all these changes and maintain your marketing’s effectiveness since the masterminds behind these social networking platforms are always making adjustments, altering their algorithms, or discovering new methods to generate revenue.

While posting on social media might seem easy, doing it well and regularly requires a strong plan and much more work than you imagine.

How to apply it

The procedures to apply: choose the content you want to develop, the format, and the channels you are going to distribute it on. Your social networking platforms should be a component of your content marketing plan.

Making a calendar can help you keep track of what content you are posting when and on what channel. Social media is interactive, so it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not only about sharing your attractive photos and posts; it’s also about engaging in genuine communication with your audience.

Email marketing

Email marketing is still one of the most efficient digital marketing methods, even if it may appear outdated in a world where everyone uses instant messaging or Snapchat.

Black Friday sales and Mother’s Day discounts are particularly popular with e-commerce sites and retail businesses, but you can also utilise email newsletters to “nurture” your prospects by providing them with a lot of value in addition to merely promoting your goods and services.


With an email list, you may communicate with your fans despite any algorithm changes (say, if a higher authority suddenly decides to close down your Facebook group)

You may develop relationships with your email list by communicating with them frequently. This will keep you in their minds when they’re ready to make a purchase.


Many emails go unread, so you’ll need to create compelling subject headers to divert recipients’ attention from their clogged inboxes.

Find a strategy to continue providing value to them so they stay with you and don’t unsubscribe.

How to apply it

Select an email programme such as Mailchimp, ConvertKit, or GetResponse, and then begin gathering potential customers’ email addresses. Offer them a step-by-step pdf guide or a collection of free design templates, for example, and make sure you check the laws (if you have European customers, you will need to be aware of the new GDPR standards).

Create a weekly newsletter and make sure it’s jam-packed with value and relevant content, not just sales messages and promotions, to be in frequent contact with your list once you start collecting those addresses.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing means collaborating with influencers who already have an audience and social media following, such as celebrities, micro-celebrities, authorities, social media personalities and specialists. Their devoted followers will act on their advice and purchase from you when they advertise your goods or products to their audience, frequently on websites like Instagram, Snapchat, or YouTube. Influencers can be useful for B2B marketing as well; you will just be working with more serious and focused thought leaders or industry experts.


Instead of waiting until you have created your own audience and following, you get to benefit from the influencer’s already-existing one.

Especially with a younger audience, being connected with a well-known figure might earn you instant “cool points.”


Finding the ideal influencer based on your business and audience and developing a real partnership with them will be much more effective than simply spending a tonne of money to obtain a huge celebrity.

Influencers are becoming increasingly untrustworthy, therefore you must be extremely cautious and upfront about paying them to promote your company.

How to apply it

Make a list of potential influencers who fit the bill for your brand and have the right audience. It’s not just about size; consider who their followers are and how engaged they are, and have a clear idea of what you want to get out of your influencer marketing campaign. Then, get in touch with them and see what you can work out for this type of digital marketing.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing refers to dealing with other people or organisations to advertise your products in exchange for a commission. It is particularly well-liked and appreciated among bloggers and e-commerce websites, for example, one of the biggest affiliate marketing programmes is Amazon Associates, where the affiliate marketers recommend and review different products.

The affiliate will advertise your goods on their website, and if a buyer clicks through and makes a purchase, the affiliate will immediately be paid a fee for their role in generating the transaction.


The challenging task of marketing and sales is being handled for you by your affiliates

Given that you only pay for conversions, there is no upfront fee. You have to pay only when the affiliate is successful, and someone actually buys from you.


You won’t be able to manage your brand completely, so you will need to inform people about your company’s identity and messaging.

You must put the effort into tracking and overseeing your affiliates; you cannot simply outsource it.

How to apply it

Start by conducting a competitive analysis to determine the types of programmes that are available and the percentage of commission they offer. Next, choose whether you want to manage your programme internally or in partnership with an affiliate management company, and be certain of the terms and conditions regarding payments. Make sure you conduct a thorough onboarding process to ensure that they are aware of your brand rules and what is and is not acceptable.

Video marketing

These days, videos are the main attraction in the marketing world, therefore whatever your line of work, using video is certainly something you should be doing. It might be in the shape of a brief video clip or a lengthier format, be amusing or instructional, be pre-recorded or streamed live and in real-time. You must now start developing custom content for your digital media rather than simply taking a TV advertisement and posting it online in this type of digital marketing.


Using video to convey your message can be quite powerful since it engages the viewer emotionally and is far more remembered than just words or even a photo.

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and all the other big platforms are currently promoting video marketing, so your video content will have a greater social media reach and engagement rate as well as a higher search engine ranking.


Due to the short attention spans of audiences and internet users nowadays, you only have a few seconds to capture their interest before they move on to the next item in their feed.

A low-cost video can be produced by anybody, but producing a high-quality, interesting film will need time, expertise, and money.

How to apply it

Your content marketing approach should include video. If you’re aiming to inspire, educate, or entertain, be explicit about it and make sure you are focused on that goal as you begin to create a video marketing campaign.

A lot of fantastic video content is filmed on an iPhone, so it doesn’t need to be flawless or have high production values, but do consider the lighting and sound to make sure it’s professional and clear.

Audio marketing

Radio production has advanced significantly. Even though television mostly surpassed radio in popularity, most people still tune in—especially with the rise of online radio. While you can still run comparable advertisements on music streaming apps or traditional radio, audio marketing is considerably more versatile and also includes podcasts and smart home assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Home.


Audio is a wonderfully handy media that provides on-demand, on-the-go content, whether you are talking about classic radio or more recent podcasts. Go listening to a busy audience, and by utilising that, you can connect with that group where they are currently spending time.

It may be simpler and less expensive to generate audio information than video and you can even be able to repurpose content, for instance, taking the audio from an existing video.


As there is no simple button for them to click on to learn more or join up, your listeners may be too busy multitasking to take the next step.

There is a high learning curve and limited quick return on investment in the marketing of smart home assistants, which is still mostly experimental.

How to apply it

The first step is to select what you want to accomplish because there are so many different tools available. Create a radio advertisement, launch a podcast, or start experimenting with smart home assistants.

Consider your audience and where they spend their time to determine the best channel to employ and, if possible, how you can leverage existing content rather than producing new material. Finding a list of appropriate podcasts that you can get in touch with to ask if you can be a guest is a fantastic place to start with this type of digital marketing.

Wrapping up, These are the most in-demand and popular types of digital marketing strategies that you may use for your company. Avoid attempting to accomplish everything since you will end up being too worn out to do anything well. Consider your priority goals, your audience, and the locations where they spend most of their time and then decide on a few marketing channels with which to begin. In this way, you will be able to apply various types of digital marketing for online promotion.

You can also read our blog on the opportunities that may arise in the next 5 years for Digital Marketing.

If you wish to learn more about Digital Marketing you can join our Online Course.


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Categories: Digital Marketing


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