Premium Learning Systems


The Fastest Way to Build Your Content Strategy in 2023

Would you be interested if I told you there was a technology available that would streamline your entire workflow and make the content strategy creation process simpler?


Of course you would, if you’re like most people.

A content matrix can achieve exactly that for your company. irrespective of your sector.

However, if you’re like the majority of people, you might also be wondering what the world a content matrix is.

Great topic.

Let’s begin.

Content Matrix


The subjects and frameworks around which a person, brand, or business will develop and publish content are organised and planned out using a content matrix, a tool used in the content production process.

This is often divided into two categories:

  1. Content Pillars 
  2. Content Frameworks 

The topics or subjects you want to discuss about are your content pillars.

Your content frameworks define how you will discuss the topics.

The target audience, keywords, and formats for each piece of content are frequently included in these, along with the objectives and success indicators. It aids in making sure that every piece of content created is in line with the overall marketing plan and that it successfully speaks to the wants and needs of the target market.

In other words, it streamlines the process of content creation.

Additionally, it makes your plan completely clear to you (and any teams) involved


Imagine that your company is hosting a sizable party. The content matrix is comparable to the party’s guest list. Without it, you can find up extending an invitation to a large number of people who have no interest in your company but nevertheless turn up to consume your food. You can ensure that you are only inviting the ideal guests—your target audience—and that you have the correct information and conversation starters to keep them interested and delighted by creating a well-crafted and well-thought-out content matrix.


The following 4 steps can be executed correctly to bring up clarity.


Step 1-  What It is You want to talk about 


  • Determining what you genuinely want to talk about is frequently the hardest element of your content strategy development approach.
  • Most people take an artist’s approach when creating content:
  • I can talk about anything and everything I want because the world is my oyster.
  • Wrong. Particularly for 2023 and after.
  • You need to be more precise in your approach.


Starting from the perspective of the person you envision receiving your information on the other end and working backward from there is a better and more sophisticated approach.


Three easy questions will help you with this:


1.Who do you want to help ?

Your content strategy begins with the person you want to assist. They are the focus of the situation, not you.


2.How can you help them ?

The second stage is to clarify how your topic helps people take action on whatever it is you’re talking about after you’ve nailed down the first question.


3.What will they be able to perform better once you assist them?

The next stage is realising that as you assist them and along their trip, your topic will specifically aid in resolving the issue they are facing.

I’m done now. You don’t need to make it much more complicated than that.

Step 2- Establish your content Pillars


Your content strategy’s foundation is made up of your content pillars.

The themes or subjects that you discuss make up the pillars. These can be used for any kind of content, including written works, videos, podcasts, and more.

It’s ideal to maintain the number of pillars you wish to have overall between 5-7 subjects. You should avoid going below 5 or over 7, since the former would fall below the total number of working days in a week and the latter would exceed the total number of days in a calendar week. You would have a different subject to discuss each day of the week with 7 topics total.

  • The subjects you want to discuss are a simple way to think about this.
  • If you’re a freelancer or digital writer, your 5-7 content pillars might be as follows:
  • Creating A One-Person Social Media Strategy For A Business
  • YouTubing \sPodcasting 
  • Newsletters
  • Self-Employment an
  • Leaving the Corporate World

These are the seven areas where you probably have experience if you’re a business person. But you can replace them with almost any subject.

Step 3-Create Your Content Framework

Your audience will hear about your pillar subjects through your content frameworks.

Real-world talks you have with those around you provide a simple approach to consider this. Just consider all the ways we simplify complicated subjects at a family meal so that everyone may grasp what we mean:


  • Speaking of ABC, have you heard that Premium Learning podcast episode? It’s kind of like that.


  • That new ABCprogramme is comparable to Adobe Lightroom in that it is quite simple to learn.


  • Remember what I did in my previous job a few years ago; it was quite helpful as I was adjusting to this new role.


You might easily come up with a list of 30–40 distinct and relevant methods to communicate a certain concept to your audience.


Here are just ten simple examples:


  1. Stories
  2. Observation
  3. Softwares
  4. Youtube Channels / Videos
  5. Podcast
  7. Reasons
  8. Routines 
  9. Mistakes
  10. Tips


this is only 10 frameworks. But just imagine the potential lost of topics you can create. With just a little bit of thought, you can easily create a list of 30-40, and be well on your way to a robust list of ideas.


Step 4-Identifiy your publishing schedule 


  • There is no right or wrong way to approach this particular area.
  • Some of us choose to publish more often than others.
  • But as we approach 2023 and beyond, I’ve noticed:
  • In the environment of modern digital media, the more you publish, the better.

In actuality, publishing online is akin to purchasing a small lottery ticket. The more publications you make, the more likely it is that people will see or hear you. Like the real lottery, your odds of winning increase the more tickets you buy.


It is exactly the same thing to publish online.

Some individuals worry about writing too much. That if you do, your content will eventually start to seem repetitious and stale.

Maybe that was true at one point. But given the state of the media today, I disagree with that logic.

To give your readers a regular schedule, you should publish between once and twice daily. And you should do it consistently over time so that they get used to your timetable.

You don’t want to appear on broadcast at a different time every day, just like a daily TV show, as this makes it difficult for your audience to know when to tune in.

In conclusion, creating a well-structured content matrix is the quickest method to create a content strategy that will support your company’s success in 2023 and beyond.

It enables you to plan your objectives, get clarity on what you want to communicate, and choose how frequently you want to say it in an efficient and coordinated way.

Additionally, by consistently releasing new content strategy, you can make sure that it stays important, worthwhile, and top-of-mind for your audience for the foreseeable future.


If you want to know more about content writing like what are the types of content writing then do visit the link Types of Content Writing 

Stay tuned for additional information on this in the near future if this is something you found useful and would like to incorporate into your business, either for your own personal brand or on behalf of a client.


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