Premium Learning Systems


Winning attitude for interviews

Every interviewer looks for a different set of skills in candidates according to the profile requirements however there is one thing that every interviewer expects candidates to mandatorily possess and that is ‘the right attitude’!

It is the most important and uncompromisable factor in the selection procedure of candidates.

In this article you will understand what is the right attitude!

  • Can do
  • ○ Unless and until you believe in yourself you cannot expect others to believe in you !

○ Exude confidence throughout the interview that helps the interviewer to believe in your potential as a performer.

○ ‘Can do’ attitude can be shown through promising statements conveying you will be able to face challenges that come in your way.

  • Will do
  • ○ Willingness is equally important to capabilities.

○ A motivated medium skilled resource is always a better resource for a company than one who is highly skilled but is demotivated.

○ Convey the message that you want to work hard and grow in your career.

  • Willingness to learn

○ An inquisitive learner is the one who keeps growing!

○ You may not match all of their requirements however if you convey that you are willing to learn and upskill as per requirements, they can be convinced for your candidature.

  • Interested
  • ○ Attrition and Resources not joining after confirmation is one of the major concerns for organisations.

○ By any chance if the interviewer senses that you may not join for some other interests , they may directly reject you despite being a strong candidate.

○ Hence it is important that you build trust by conveying that you value this opportunity and are highly interested in the same.

Attitude takes front seat in interviews. Make sure you carry the right one!

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Know more about Author: Pooja Katneshwarkar


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