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Ten Mistakes to Avoid while creating a Resume

Writing a fresh resume while hunting for a job is one of the difficult task to perform. Your resume is a powerful tool you can showcase the ability for job role.

The hiring managers filter all the applications through resumes to decide which one should proceed with further assessment and which one should leave. Everyone wants that the recruiter’s eye on their resume should come first. What makes anyone’s resume more attractive for a hiring team.? There have been many declarations and links on how to make a perfect resume. What should be added in a resume to make it more relevant for a hiring team and employer. Besides that, you must also consider the things that should not be included in a resume. 


Certain things should not be included in a resume. The foremost reason is that the recruiter has less time to go through all resumes all at a time. The most relevant resume has all the details and specific requirements that catch the attention of the recruiter quickly. Unimportant things distract the desired content of the resume. It makes it overextended to read. It might give a contrary image of the applicant in the resume to make it more suitable for the job role due to certain words and phrases which should not be considered while making a resume.  

On an average an employer or a recruiter takes 10-15 seconds to screen the resume before considering it for shortlisting resume for further pre-screening or telephonic round. The first thing a hiring manager or recruiter will observe is experience and skills required for that desired job role. An effective resume should briefly mention skills which an employer is looking for and description of experience enables hiring managers or recruiters to understand the work done in current or previous company.


Here you will find top 10 things that should not include on your resume. Try to avoid these mistakes and make a resume focused on skills and qualifications. 

  1. Irrelevant Objective Statement: There is no point in stating unattainable goals and objectives to make an impression on the employer because the employer seeks an objective statement as to what an applicant can contribute towards the company. Statement should be such which can provide an employer solution in the form of your objective or goal for the desired result of the job role you are applying for.
  1. No Personal Information: Some personal information like height, religion, birth place, age, or if married, number of children are of no use for hiring managers or recruiters to shortlist candidates based on these facts. Focus adding such facts which are relevant and important to know for employment in the company where you are applying for a job.
  1. Sharing contact of Reference: Providing reference is not a good choice to add in a resume. Avoid sharing any reference on your resume. If the hiring manager requires any information they will ask. Reference should not write on your resume until you are shortlisted for further round of interviews. Reference is generally asked by the recruiter at the time of final decision making of the recruiter and hiring manager for reference check of their applicant.
  1. Non Professional Email ID: Using a non-professional email id, (example- or any other username with lots of numerical digits than letters is totally unprofessional and doesn’t give a good impression on the hiring manager. If you don’t have one, create a new one which describes your name and surname, few numbers and characters can be included but make it more professional in your resume.


  1. Hobbies and Interest: Employers and hiring managers are looking for specific skills required for a job role that can match with skills and qualifications of the applicant. Hobbies and interest have no place in a resume if you are applying for a job. Your workplace and job role have no relevance with the hobbies you practice. Candidates should share information and skills which are more relevant to the job. 
  1. Irrelevant Experience: Any experience not related to the current job role for which you are applying is of no use to add in your resume. Avoid providing any information of irrelevant experience which the company has no use of. You can reveal that information at the time of face to face interviews. Your information on your resume should describe the right qualification and skills with experience in that line to make the employer come to a conclusion.
  1. Extending paragraphs without bullets: Resume should describe your total work and information in a systematic manner, to keep it simple to make it understand for the recruiter and hiring manager. Don’t fill a resume with long paragraphs and extended unnecessary lines. Also use bullets to make it clear and understandable to read. Without bullets it will be difficult to conclude what an applicant wants to share with his/her employer.
  1. Poor Alignments, Fonts and Grammatical errors: The basics of writing a resume is to make sure you use readable fonts, not too large nor too small on an A4 size paper when it gets printout. Avoid using grammatical errors, recheck once before sharing a resume. Complete proper alignments in your resume to make it more presentable in reading. These small things matter a lot to a hiring manager in evaluation of candidates.
  2. Negative Explanation: Avoid to share any negative statement or negative expression in your resume about your experience and work. Resume is not a good place to display negative information or challenges you have faced. This information should better be said to the hiring manager in a personal meeting if it’s necessary and when it is asked.
  3. Untrue and false information: For any reason to get select in an interview avoid sharing false and untrue information about your experience, work, qualification and other information. Because anyhow while screening candidates, the recruiter and hiring manager will know the truth. Thus, will lead to rejection or cancellation of re-application for the job role. Keep all information fair and transparent in front of the hiring managers to show the reliability and professionalism.
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Know more about Author: Rupali Holkar


Categories: Career


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