Premium Learning Systems

Optimization of Quarantine

Best Optimization of Quarantine Life!

Best Optimization of Quarantine Life!

Are you going insane about what to do with Quarantine? Staying at home during COVID-19 pandemic for a month is not as easy especially for those who are extroverts, who relish performing activities outside home with their office-colleague, neighbors & group of friends.

Unlike extroverts, introverts catch this phase not less than a wonderland, spending extra time at home, happily sequestering themselves for self-time and offering their valuable time with family members.

I think a lot of us can say this is the first time we have lived through something like this. Sometimes it gets stressful, However, keeping oneself busy in-order to manage stress & to optimize maximum from quarantine life surely turns out to be a blessing.

To learn a new skill, it doesn’t take much time to grasp even the basics. You will have enough time to practice those skills. Choose a skill which will serve a purpose for the long run. Make an addition to your resume to progress in your career and which eventually makes you a more valuable person & hirable.

Here you will find the list that you should consider to make the best of quarantine to develop a true better version of yourself.

Certainly, you will thank yourself later! 😊

  1.   Time- Management: Jim Rohn wrote, “Time management is the best-kept secret of the rich.” Time Management is all about organizing your day, managing your time and prioritizing tasks.  It is the basic life skill which brings success in all aspects of life. It helps you to decide which task needs to be done on a given day and when you need to complete them. You can learn best time-management skills using various techniques via online or you can read self-help book on Time Management. Few suggestions:
  •  A Simple Guide to Mastering Difficult Tasks and Breaking the Procrastination Habit by SJ Scott.
  • Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen.
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
  1. Language: Nowadays, Companies see the value in gaining at least a basic level of understanding in a foreign language. Proficiency in foreign languages gives candidates an opportunity to showcase themselves as global employees. Being at quarantine you can learn any language at home learning online and some of them are free. You can consider some language learning apps like: Duolingo, Memrise, Rosetta Stone.
  1. Coding: Even if you are not an Engineer, learning to code would make a great career option if you dream to be a part of the IT Industry. Coding will take your career to new heights. Whether you are from management or any other than non-technical background the skill is best to learn during quarantine. There are ample job opportunities for those who know the basics of HTML, CSS, Java, PHP, Android, Bootstrap, Dot Net, Angular and so on. Coding is a skill that’s becoming more in demand and its demand is growing fast. You can learn coding online with Tech experts on their YouTube Channel. Online courses are also available to master this remarkable skill.
  1. Salesforce: With Salesforce, currently there is a lot of demand and excitement in the market and will probably stay that way for at least the next 5 years.  Salesforce is a skill that you can learn whenever you want, wherever you want, and get recognized across the world. Currently, many companies are using Salesforce to make their business successful. You can expect stable and Secure growth in upcoming times. Salesforce is very advanced compared to Java, php. net and other traditional Technologies because it works on cloud computing Technology it uses data science, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. Learning Salesforce is very easy compared to other Technologies, a sales manager or art graduate can also learn Salesforce. You can learn salesforce online at various expert level platforms. You can also practice for certification for valuable progress in your career.
  1. Digital Marketing: Digital marketing skills have become necessary nowadays as this skill can be applied to any job type. Anyone can learn this skill during quarantine because like IT skills, Digital Marketing skill is rapidly growing in demand. This is a skill that everyone should have irrespective of their job. You will gain key knowledge for the advantage of any business, which you even can apply for your own business if you are looking for a startup. You can upskill it by learning online from various learning websites at minimal cost.
  1. Problem-Solving and Decision Making: There is a huge need for a skillful person to solve a particular problem and to for a good decision maker in today’s world. Employers are needed to have the ability   to make decisions quickly and responsibly. Problem solving is a skill that applies to any position & to every industry. But the difference between the two is that Problem Solving means to make a decision because conditions are beyond control and Decision-making means choosing to make a decision because you want something to happen. Both are equally universal skills that employers are looking for in potential candidates.

You must learn effective problem solving and decision-making skills in any circumstances as this is a valuable skill now and always and undoubtedly makes you more hirable.

  1. Leadership: Developing leadership skill is an ongoing process and an excellent skill to make you stand out. Leadership is the ability to lead others, to communicate well, motivate & plan effectively. If you master this skill your career will take a new progression for success. Employers need valuable leaders to handle life-challenges in difficult circumstances. To achieve any success, we all have to depend on our leadership skills. Everyone has leadership skills, but not all use those efficiently.

In conclusion, There is truly something for everyone to upskill themselves and be able to work with new technologies in order to enhance their competence and to improve their chances of employment. This is the time we need to ensure to make right choices at the right time and make this lockdown a blessing for us.

To enhance your knowledge Any one of the above skills like coding, salesforce digital marketing then , consider attending our Growth Hacking session. Register for the webinar now by clicking on the link below.

You can also download premium learning’s app from the link below

Know more about Author: Rupali Holkar

Categories: Career


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