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IT jobs

Who else wants a HIGHLY PAID IT JOBS without worrying about coding ?

If you wonder how you can have a technical job without requirement of any coding skills, learn below five IT jobs high in demand .

In previous blog we have shown the importance of coding as a vital skill having high in demand and how it is most in demand in IT companies. Career options in Software development is highly in demand. Computer Engineers who knows efficient coding have always way to find job opportunities. However, if you are not good at coding, don’t worry. Many computer engineers do not know coding. Less number of engineers are interested in coding. Coding for some are boredom task to complete. Some IT jobs don’t require coding and engineers are doing great in their work.

Below you will find jobs that don’t involve coding and are highly paid IT jobs.


  1. User Interface Designer:

    This job is more concerned with the design of the interface. UI Designers set up the visual and feel of the software and the application’s interface. UI Designer is a technical job responsible for presentations of product development. UI Designer is responsible for aesthetics to be implemented within a product. Companies prefer UI Designer to be proficient with visual design programs such as Adobe Photoshop. For talented UI Designer scope increases in the domain including software & mobile application development.

  2. Search Engine Optimization Specialist:

    Search Engine Optimization or SEO specialist has a good understanding of online research methods and their work involves designing, developing, and promoting high-quality websites. Some SEO Specialists also work as a freelancer for IT companies. SEO Specialist work is concerned with the process to increase the visual ranks of a website in search engine. For SEO Specialist it is required to have a fine understanding of search engine algorithms and ranking methods, keyword research, and data mining tools. Many people relate SEO jobs in marketing but they there are the technical aspect to this job which is required in tech industry. Career of SEO is high in demand as small, large & medium brands use SEO technique to manage their websites.

  3. Data Analyst:

    For those who are interested in data set analysis, has very fine eye on details, deep understanding of data analysis tool this job is perfect. Data Analyst require strong mathematical and analytical skills and knowledge of statistics in managing the master data. They are expected to handle large set of data and ability to translate business requirements into laymen terms. Banking, policing, fraud detection, healthcare, telecommunications, e-commerce, energy and risk management are some organizations in India that has good scope in Data Analytics.

  4. Tech Support Specialist:

    If you are interested to resolve technical problems and provide technical solutions to issues this is the job you can do it. They generally have positions in IT department of company and are first point of contact for customers and clients relating to company technological products and services. A good understanding of variety of technical problems and issues with good communication skills is all required for Tech Support Specialist. They usually provide step by step solution to a problem to customers via phone calls, emails, or webchat.

  5. Software Quality Tester:

    Job title Software quality tester also designated as Quality Assurance Engineer. Software testers are specialized in many tests like automation, performance test, exploratory test etc. They monitor software development phase comply with company standards laid down for software design & development. Software Quality Testers perform their task within deadlines by making it attainable test goals in the development of software. QA Engineers create test plans, identify potential problems that end user might encounter, discover bugs in software, perform manual and automation testing are some of their task and responsibilities. Software Quality Testers are higher paying jobs in India. Prior experience with  QA methodologies , tools and processes, quality assurance & software development is essential to make a good career in Quality Assurance in tech industry.

If are a qualified computer engineer and not have interested in coding yet wants to work in technology industry, there are many career options available in market for them. Coding is not for everyone to gain skill but don’t get discouraged. Above career options are good for career growth and in terms of higher paying jobs. With good experience and required technical skills these technical jobs are high in demand.

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Know more about Author: Rupali Holkar

Categories: Career


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