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job search

What you should know before you start Job Search after Lockdown ?

Take a step ahead to start your career , COVID19 has shown us huge change in our current economic condition. Industries & companies has changed its operations from past two months. Employers & employees have shifted to new pattern of work – Remote Work. Employers has now different parameters to hire employees. Likewise, job seekers are now worried about their employability. Existing employees has no clue about what would be the best options for them in crunch market if questions arise on employability. Job seekers, freshers and employees have begun to search for future prospects in employment. With the change in the environment, some points should take care of while searching job. Why we need to concerned on Job search after lockdown?

Companies are busy in conducting and managing their business virtually using digital platforms. Companies may not hire in present but they will hire in future. Current job openings may put on hold or disappeared although they have been open for a while. Employers are ready to hire you but they are finding difficulty in the process which left them to hold job opening for few weeks.

Your job search can still become active despite all the variations in quarantine & lockdown. You can still search job if you know few things before working on it. Saying that, below tips help you to guide you what you need to know while searching your job after lockdown gets over.

  • Take time to think: Instead of hoping on job search without knowing what you want and where you want to see yourself for next 2-3 years take advantage of market. Get clarity where you want to work. What kind of role you are looking for. You don’t need to apply to every industry and to every job role that fits your skills. Create list of what type of companies you want to enter in. Which companies have prospects of better future for yourself. Which job role suitable for you in long run. Reach out to those companies for fruitful benefits foreseeing the career goal.
  • Reflect on your skillsets: You may have not working on your skills for long time. Or some of your skills need to get polished. Before job search reflect some time on your skill sets. For detailing, look for job role you want to work for and use its job description to know what you need to work on. Be more confident in your skillset before job search and apply. There are different kind of skill set. Try to go for technical or skill which make you stand out from crowd for better results.
  • Network Collection: Job search without network connection will take most of your time in searching opportunities and time consuming. Grow your network, ask your seniors, your friends, co-workers or reach out to company recruiters and consultants. You will find new information and suggestion which you can direct on to your job search work. Become proactive on social media to become aware of what is happening in job market. Once you came to know about job market your search would come out for better outcomes.
  • Industry Knowledge: Some industries will grow slow, some will operate at fast pace after lockdown. Industries will take time to grow so make your decision based on that if you are not working currently. For example, As all companies are using technologies to operate, this can lead to job openings in technology industry. Digital marketing is taking new heights. Scope for digital marketing opportunity has also scope for employment. Make your updates on high demand sectors for future jobs. You will discover good options for yourself.
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There are lots of time you have to do all your research. It is better to use it to wisely to make good job search. There are high chance you will get positive response utilizing this time if you know what you need to identify.

Know more about Author: Rupali Holkar

Categories: Career


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