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Career advice

Top 8 Career advice for aspiring women

Collect some Career advice that will help throughout your life that you should know.

We all have people around us who celebrate our success and gains, hold us accountable, and those who always check on our well-being. Generally, family members and close friends are the people who keep a check on us and have our back. But it feels much amazing if you have people while you are on your career path with their wise bits of advice and support. In all your professional career if you are blessed with genuine people around you with the best interest, you are gifted with such unusual people. Being around such people you can take their advice as a guideline and inspiration to work with great enthusiasts. Their inspirational efforts do make someone work harder.

Some of the top pieces of advice that have the power to inspire you to work hard every day and which will make career-oriented ambitious women believe in themselves should read these points. Don’t worry if you are at any point in your career right now, it will help you anyway in your professional journey.

“Stepping out of your comfort zone”

I have had heard this phrase since I was in high school. Throughout our career, this advice has been working so far to achieve the next success. It is always a challenge for the introvert, shy, and quite people to behave out of their comfort zone easily. It is the most difficult advice to welcome but a fulfilling without a doubt. The reason it is hard to adopt and rewarding is that those who aren’t comfortable moving outside their comfort have no growth as they do not move.

Here, the goal of this advice is related to one’s growth (personal or professional) on a continued basis. At times it happens we tend to stop at certain stages in life where we feel secure or hesitant to move ahead. However, it doesn’t mean we have closed our growth at the current stage but rather we stop the need to grow on the next level.

“Move on to something else if you feel you are not getting what you want in your current job”

Many of my managers have had faced a situation where they are not getting what they deserve to get in the first place. If you do not have any enough challenges in your work that excite you or you feel what you are getting from the job is less than actual, it’s time to move on. You do not owe the current position with any commitment unless you are being appreciated for your hard work on the challenges you work on and the reorganization of your work.

“Identify who has the position you want and learn from them. Have clarity where you want to go”

Having clarity means staying focus. This advice says to focus on that part where you identify and know your next exact step and learn from that person to help you achieve your goal. What this advice will bring to you? If you have decided to get a promotion, you will work on that to get the position of the person who holds the same position you want. So, you identified the skills and qualities possessed by that person who currently holds the position you want and focuses on it to achieve that quality and learn skills to get where you want to be.

“Work like you already have the position you want”

As similar to prior advice this works on the same as to work hard on your current job. Your current job demands hard work what it asks for. So, no matter what position you hold in the company if you want to acquire a position of manager, leader, or supervisor, show skills that your current work demands and work like you already have it. Do not work against it. It is just like to make it possible what you want. You have to put things in a way it already possess to get it into reality.

“It’s not always how it’s said but how it’s received”

In this advice, it is “how you receive it on your end”. It is not always what you asked for, but how you get it after it’s been asked. You need to make sure how you receive the information without overpowering any emotions or being sensitive. Push yourself as much as you can so that you can achieve your career goals with self-awareness and information.

“Always think what works best for you in now and for the future”

This advice says that you should always work on things that will serve you not only in the present-Now but also in the coming future. While making any decisions related to your career make sure you count yourself in the first place than any other. Measure all possible options and go with what works best for you. You will decide for yourself and not for others based on their conclusions. Your decision should give you all the good advantages for your present and the future as well.

“Don’t be afraid to apply for higher position”

As simple as that to move forward from your comfort zone to have everything you wish for yourself. When we want to apply for any job, we think of the opportunity that we are almost certain we would get. What bad could happen when you apply for a higher position? You either get to know a lack of requirements or fail to get the job. Both are fine because you moved ahead for something without regret even if you might lack certain skills, you learn to move in the right direction for the position you want to have in the future.

“Identify your strength and weakness and learn from them”

What you can learn from your strengths is, to use it for your advantage and learn to turn a weakness into better. Weaknesses are the ones that hold you from achieving your purposes or a particular work on a job. Make a list after a deep examination of all good and bad points and finds out how it can help you if used correctly. If we are aware of our weakness then no one could take advantage of us.

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Know more about Author: Rupali Holkar

Categories: Career


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