Premium Learning Systems


7 Reasons you are not hired!

Stop struggling with failed interviews and know the right reason for not getting hired by your dream company.


During the times of economic hardships, the job hunt process is lengthy and tough for job seekers. Job seekers land on every possible contact of hiring team members or company HR, along with dozens of resumes and interview calls without good results. Even if the market seems tough for hiring opportunities reasons to fall for other reasons for not getting hired by companies.

Candidates run for several interviews to get hired. Some candidates stand out for some really good reasons and hired in no amount of time. While most of the candidates have to walk on a long path to get hired. While working with hiring staff and hiring managers for many years I figured out on what grounds the recruiting team couldn’t able to hire the right candidates after screening with impressive resumes.

Here I would like to show lights on most common reasons, and some that might not occur to you.

White Lies: The very obvious reason for not getting a second chance for the next round. What may be the reason during crisis do not let the impression down with a lie. You should not lie in the interview. No one is perfect for job role but when it comes to white lies wherever you trying to stretch the truth, hiring managers and recruiters cross-checks every detail of your work records and references. Also lies imply the impression that you had a hard time keeping your story in order.

Sound like Rehearsed: You might have read the concept of practicing the interview before going through one. To research and prepare many times with a lot more significant details. You should attempt it for good outcomes in an interview but with confidence. See job interview as a conversation where everything must go in a natural flow of conversation without giving fake answers. If you are nervous slow down and ask for an explanation on a subject or take a pause to think about how you can answer it in the best way in relevance to the job role. 

Sharing Excess Details: In an ongoing interview conversation, we sometimes share excess information that might turn out in other way around. We forgot that being a candidate we should focus on things that are useful to the company and what person can do if hired instead of those things convenient for the candidate. Some questions about explaining the reason you want to leave the current company or facing a challenge in previous work. These kinds of questions do not make any contrary statement of your employer or company and challenges that you are made to cope lot with. Make statements that do not fit for you but for the interest of the company, after hiring you.

Unclear Salary Requirement: Most of the time you will get to know the compensation bracket before appearing the interview. Some companies ask some take time to reach this question. You no need to hesitate to tell a clear salary requirement if you already have a clear idea of your salary need. Better to keep a fair salary range with confidence instead of saying you are flexible at company norms. If the company finds your demand within its budget, they will call you. If it’s not, in case, don’t worry because you will get to know the interview outcome and release from follow-ups. 

No Eye Contact: Interview is a two-way conversation between the hiring team and candidate. Qualifications and work experience are different parameters to evaluate but it’s about how you try to keep up with company culture while giving an interview. So, if you keep comfortable eye contact and relax that will make you welcome in the eye of the interviewer. Try to leave an interview room with a memory that the interviewer remembers you for your personality instead of your answers.

Not prepared Enough: Preparation before the interview is primary but this point is different than the previous one. Probably you are not prepared enough for the interview. Less research about the company is not enough where you are interviewed. Or having unclear knowledge of non-technical and technical skills. Questions for recruiters are endless to ask from you. But you have to study all the relevant areas of your job and company. Finds out the current project of the company or distinct details you could find from websites, LinkedIn, and social media account. 

No questions for them: Candidates do have questions to ask from a recruiter but somehow, they forgot or could not figure out what to ask. Remember the two-way interaction in the interview. You should have at least two-three questions prepared for them. This will make you attentive and a good listener to them that you were listening to them while they are responding to you. You get a chance to receive answers to all your doubts and queries in one go. The whole interview process is important to them as you so do not miss this chance to get noticed. 

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Know more about Author: Rupali Holkar

Categories: Career


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