Premium Learning Systems

salesforce developer

What is the work of a Salesforce Developer? One of the highly-paid jobs in the IT Industry

Let us unravel the world of a Salesforce Developer, their responsibilities, qualifications needed, and insights of their daily job.

A customer relationship management (CRM) platform helps your business run smoothly with your various departments (marketing, sales, service, etc) functioning as one unit and seamlessly complementing their work for better efficiency and overall productivity reducing unproductive time

Salesforce is a cloud-based software that provides companies with a platform to develop their own applications without following the tough steps that they used to follow in the conventional system. The application thereby created can be uploaded onto the cloud which allows current customers and also future prospective customers to view them. It is a platform making work possible from anywhere; accessible through computers, phones, and tablets, and keeps your customers happy everywhere.

Salesforce, one of the leading CRM platforms, provides many opportunities for Salesforce careers. These career roles or specialty positions primarily include configuration and developmental expertise roles like Salesforce Administrators, Salesforce Consultants, and Salesforce Developers. In their early days, a salesforce professional starts with the designation of either salesforce administrator or salesforce developer. In India, salesforce administrator roles are however limited; and a hybrid role of administrator cum developer is more sought after. To know more about careers in the salesforce ecosystem in India, you can read our blog here.

When the term Salesforce Developer is used, it refers to a professional who develops applications as needed by a customer. One of the basic jobs of a salesforce developer is to make the life of their customers at work simple and remove the roadblocks that hamper their work efficiency. How does a salesforce developer do that? By using salesforce customizations, configurations, and coding to develop tailor-made solutions as demanded.

Let us unravel the world of a Salesforce Developer, their responsibilities, qualifications needed, and insights into the daily job of a salesforce developer in general.

Does a Salesforce Developer work only in the Salesforce company?

It is a big misunderstanding that a salesforce developer can work only in a Salesforce company. Salesforce works on a multi-tenant architecture platform, where several companies use the salesforce cloud platform to offer developmental services to their customers. Although many professionals consider working for ‘Salesforce’ as a pinnacle in their career path; there are many more organizations, ranging from a small start-up to multinational companies using the Salesforce platform and offering jobs to salesforce professionals.

What exactly does Salesforce Developer mean?

Salesforce is a company that provides SaaS and PaaS platforms and offers all kinds of cloud-based solutions. Salesforce also offers certifications to testify to the technical skills that a salesforce professional requires in a job. A professional having the technical know-how and skills required to customize and code in salesforce can be called a salesforce developer, however, valid relevant certification from salesforce would make that professional a qualified resource to be hired as a salesforce developer.

Salesforce Developer Requirements:

salesforce developer

A college degree can be enough to land you a job but a specialized skill works wonders in accelerating the growth of an individual. With Salesforce, it is a bonus but not a mandatory requirement; you should possess some knowledge that is actually not so easy to get from college. A salesforce developer needs to know:

salesforce developer

  • Oops or Object-oriented principles of programming.
  • Basic knowledge of Java or C#.
  • Model-View-Controller design patterns.

And similar topics. In sum, if you do not have any programming background, most likely, you will face a lot of difficulties and challenges in becoming a Salesforce Developer. However, Premium Learnings Systems, an online training institute offers a holistic package that trains even the non-coding background students and makes them job-ready for the salesforce ecosystem.

What languages are used in Salesforce Development?

Salesforce development requires basic knowledge of Oops concepts along with a working knowledge of Java or C. The MVC architecture (model-view-controller) of salesforce also requires a developer to have a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with the above-mentioned coding languages.

Professionals working in the salesforce ecosystem as salesforce developers use a special Salesforce programming language called Apex to operate both the platform itself and the framework for user interface design, also known as Visualforce. Apex is also used for developing customized integrations, initiating custom API calls, and other modifications within the Salesforce system.

Apart from Visualforce, which is a front-end technology, there exists another front-end technology recently launched by Salesforce called Lightning Component Framework. The lightning component framework has two platforms for development- Lightning aura components and lightning web components, that facilitate the process of developing applications both for desktop and mobile, by using front-end and backend coding languages like HTML, CSS, Apex, and JavaScript.

Why is a salesforce developer having more job satisfaction than other developers?

If you ask any salesforce professional or Salesforce Developer about their experience in using the development environment of salesforce, they will surely highlight these points:

  • It’s a customer-centric platform made with customer needs in prime focus.
  • The development environment is highly customizable, to fit ideas into reality easily.
  • It can be integrated with any platform, making it versatile for any application.

And for sure, anything in the world being dormant, poses a risk of going obsolete. Salesforce however has kept improvising itself to make it simpler for use even by professionals with no coding knowledge and has made the platform robust enough to function with no code and less-code implementations too!

Difference between Salesforce Administrator and Salesforce Developer

Salesforce Administrators have their job functions more into the customization and configuration domain of the salesforce environment. Salesforce developers are however expected to know the coding applications in salesforce implementation as well as the configuration and customization part an administrator specializes in.

A salesforce professional can start with one or both(hybrid) of these positions, and further, he or she can move to specialize in their domain with certifications and experience. While salesforce developer jobs are in plenty in India, salesforce administrator opportunities are limited and an ideal job prospect in India is the one having a hybrid role of a salesforce administrator and developer.

You can go into the depths of salesforce career options available in our blog.

Salesforce Certification Explained

Salesforce certifications are an excellent way to showcase your proficiency in the salesforce environment. There are salesforce certifications specifically designed for professionals to get their domain experience testified based on their preferred job role. Certifications not only add value and feedback to the salesforce knowledge you gained but also remunerate you with a higher salary package. More information on certifications can be found on our blog here.

Why do you need to get certified? A salesforce professional, especially a fresher salesforce developer needs to showcase their skills, for the industry to be assured of them being a qualified and gainful resource. What better way than to be salesforce certified by enrolling and subsequently passing various salesforce certifications enlisted on their website. Having a relevant salesforce certification along with domain experience and skills works as a trio to launch your career skyrocketing into the galaxy of success.

What a Salesforce Developers Does for Clients?

salesforce developer

This question should have been asked the reverse way. What salesforce developers cannot do? There are many ways salesforce can be customized to suit the needs of the customer.

A Salesforce developer can add configurations and customizations to apps based on point-and-click functions working exactly like an administrator and offer non-coding solutions to the clients’ needs. He/she can make the apps visually appealing by using visualforce or lightning aura/web components. A salesforce developer can also create back-end automation and enhance the functionality of an application by using coding tools like apex or LWC. Integration with different applications that already exist and are already in use by the clients is also one of the prime job functions sought in a good salesforce developer.

In this way, a salesforce developer can perform the dual functions of an administrator and a developer and offer a whole package of the most viable solutions that fit the users’ needs.


Things I Need to Learn to be a Salesforce Developer?

Salesforce is such an enormous software that mastering every aspect of it can practically not be possible. However, it is possible to specialise in a specific functionality and gain domain expertise that can make you proficient and highly sought after for that particular functionality.

Getting the basics of salesforce development requires a bit of dedication and one can pick up in no time if he/she is a quick learner of the coding logic.

A Salesforce developer is generally expected to be aware of the following:

  • Data modelling, management, and security
  • Platform development
  • Lightning app builder
  • Salesforce app customization
  • Developer console
  • Salesforce object query language
  • Visualforce basics
  • Search solutions basics
  • Apex object-oriented programming
  • Lightning framework

Salaries: What does a Salesforce Developer earn?

Salesforce professionals normally earn more than their other peers with the same experience level. The pace of salary growth, climbing up the hierarchy is also quite rapid. A fresher salesforce developer on average earns around Rs.5,00,000 per annum as per glassdoor. You can follow our blog here for more insights into salesforce career options and salaries based on the job roles.

salesforce developer

A normal work-day in the life of a salesforce developer.


A typical work day of a salesforce developer starts with checking and replying to emails and getting any morning meetings lined up at done with. The meetings are normally about the work each team member has for the day and discuss the ways the team can collaborate to get tasks done as soon as possible. Any hiccups in implementation are discussed and usually, experienced developers and seniors offer and discuss solutions.

The day is mostly spent getting listed tasks done as per the needs of the clients and work assigned by seniors. If need be, client calls/meetings are scheduled and the business requirements are broadly discussed. The period of testing the apps and deployment to production org is a very tedious and important phase in the work life of a salesforce developer.

Are certifications compulsory for a Salesforce developer?


Certifications for a fresher salesforce developer aiming entry into the salesforce ecosystem aren’t compulsory, but to climb the ladder in the career of a salesforce developer, one needs to have a tangible proof of relevant skills and knowledge aka certifications.

Salesforce and freelancing?


A salesforce developer after initial years in the industry gains enough knowledge and know-how of the working of the industry. Over-time they are well aware of the modalities of functioning in the salesforce environment. Salesforce being a cloud-based platform adds to the ease of a developer and makes working from anywhere possible with or without(freelancing) a team or a configured working space.

For the free birds not wanting to be tied to a fixed job location and wanting to explore the world whilst working and getting paid; salesforce and its cloud-based operations are an excellent solution. Freelancers in this way do not need to invest in physical infrastructure to start their venture and can begin their solo freelance journey even in a parking lot if need be.


Overall: Is Salesforce a great career move?


Skills: With little or no coding knowledge, salesforce can be learned and mastered with practice.

Jobs: Salesforce Jobs are slowly moving towards specialization. Many companies the world over are shifting to salesforce for their CRM needs and future prospects of job availability are aplenty.

Salary: Compared to other IT fields, salesforce offers a lucrative start salary and heavy raises with experience and certifications/skills.

Certifications: Easy scheduling of certification exams that can be scheduled at any time from anywhere.

All in all, learning salesforce can be highly rewarding in consideration of career prospects. You can get placed in the ever-increasing customer base of salesforce, and explore your opportunities in freelance development roles, while experienced salesforce developers have an option to opt for freelance consulting roles.

If there is a good time to invest your energy for a booming IT career, this is the right time to learn salesforce, enter the salesforce ecosystem and become a salesforce developer, get paid well and eventually start giving salaries instead of receiving one!

Come be a part of the salesforce ecosystem and begin your first step to learning salesforce with Career Accelerator Programme of Premium Learnings.

Categories: Career, IT Industry, salesforce


To enhance your knowledge What is the Work of Salesforce Developer, consider attending our career accelerated program on Salesforce. Register for the webinar now by clicking on the link below.

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2 thoughts on “What is the work of a Salesforce Developer? One of the highly-paid jobs in the IT Industry”

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